13.04. - 4.05.2024


Vernissage on Saturday, April 13, 12 noon

The KulturWerk is 15 years old this year!

To mark the anniversary, there will be a colorful exhibition featuring my art. It is the first exhibition on the occasion of this anniversary and shows the diversity from all areas of artistic creation - painting, photography, sculpture, sewing, poetry, technical items, etc. - in a colorful exhibition. Self-made by our members.


The program of the vernissage also reflects the diversity of our members' skills. I would be delighted to welcome you to the vernissage!


Opening hours: Wed. + Sat. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thurs. from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Admission free


My participating painting “Encounter in the Northern Lights” is 60 x 90 cm in size. I used acrylic paint, pastel chalk, texture paste and a UV-resistant varnish. There are many possible interpretations and stories for the picture. It contains a variety of contemporary themes, relationships with nature and the emotional world. I deliberately want to leave these things open to everyone, but I am also happy to discuss them.


9. to 30.12.2023: Little treasures

Community exhibition in Hamburg Rahlstedt. Many different works of art and handicrafts are on offer. Part of the proceeds go to Kulturwerk Rahlstedt e.V.

Opening hours: Wed-Sat 11 am - 3 pm

KulturWerk, Boizenburger Weg 7, Hamburg

I am preent on the 12/20/23.

Fall 2023

Another commissioned work has been added to mixed activities. It is a composition of three customer photos: one of a couple, one of a person and one of a sailing boat. They were merged, digitally edited and changed in color, given effects and then printed out. Subsequently, accents were added with acrylic paint on the canvas (with shadow gap frame) in 80 x 80 cm and the sky was further stippled and filled. Here you can see the overall picture and details. The faces have been made unrecognizable.

Summer 2023

 These months I have been working artistically mainly with photography and image processing, especially with ICM photography, which creates blurred images with camera movement. I'll be adding them to the website soon, which I'll note here.


Two commissioned works were edited and finished. One artwork was created from a small painting with oil painting in bright colors. I took a suitable section and worked on it further, such as changing the branches and making them even more contrasting and bright, and also painted it digitally. The "Glowing Michel" was ordered as a 150 x 50 cm print behind acrylic glass.


The second picture "A-N-LOVE" is a digital composition of customer photos and a Berlin photo of mine. All four photos are integrated and further processed and somewhat alienated with other colors and effects. Due to lack of time, it remained a pure photo work with digital art and also some drawing, which was sent directly to the customer. The faces are made unrecognizable here.

Wishes and specifications before the work:

Composition of 4 photos: 1 couple photo, 1 couple of a group photo, 1 x the university building and 1 Berlin photo of me (for Sir Norman Foster fans). This also digitally altered and alienated in approximately this color scheme with a somewhat painterly effect. It is a wedding gift in 40 x 40 cm, connected with a story, printed on Alu Dibond with a digital signature.


The client:

"I came across Nica Art Studio for the creation of a personal, individual picture gift. After a phone call in which I described my wishes for the design, Nica took on the job. The collaboration was great and always uncomplicated. NICA contributed her ideas and also took my image design wishes into account. The results of the constant coordination were always delivered very quickly. The time frame was very short, yet everything was implemented perfectly as requested. It was a relaxed but focused collaboration. I am extremely satisfied with the result and will certainly contact Nica again if required."

 Mani S.

4th of May 2023

My painting "Hamburg Mix" will participate in an auction at an event of the HAMBURGER ORIGINALE. The proceeds will go to climate protection measures of the participating organizations of Auction for Climate Action. It is a work of 10 photographs and an airbrush layer, digitally composed and further processed. The fine art print is printed on canvas at 90 x 60 cm and has a shadow gap frame. It is characterized by its clarity and exciting composition, combined with great details, giving much to discover.


At the Auction for Climate Action initiative, artists and designers can offer their works for auction, which takes place mainly on Instagram. Their costs are reimbursed. The proceeds are donated directly to non-profit organizations active in climate protection:

Global Nature Fund, Justdiggit, Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. and Deutsche KlimaStiftung. I founded it and do it on a voluntary basis, which leaves less time for art. Some people also engage in that.

Website: Home - Auction for Climate Action

Instagram: Auction for Climate Action | 📍Germany (@auctionforclimateaction) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos


November 29th - December 24th 2022


Participation in the group exhibition at KulturWerk Rahlstedt. 27 creative people exhibit there their 'small treasures'. All are welcome to stop by. There are many different works between postcard and a 400€-artwork. 30% of the proceeds go to the culture club Kulturwerk.


 Opening hours: Tue - Fri 11am - 6pm, Sat and Christmas Eve 11 am - 2pm.

Closed on Sundays and Mondays. I will be on site on Wednesday, from 2.30 to 6.00 pm. 

KulturWerk, Boizenburger Weg 7

October 2nd and 3rd, 2022


Participation in a courtyard festival with sales exhibition in the hotel Frederikenhof near Lübeck. In addition to the Frederikenhof with treats and lunch, three artists, 20 artisans and five culinary exhibitors will participate. There will also be a bouncy castle and a parallel event, the Wedding Magic. There are jewelry, floristry, wool products, woodwork, standing pictures, sewn, paper technology, garden accessories, bags, sculptures, garden heads, clothing, pottery, paintings and more on display.


It is open Sunday and Monday from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.

Address: Langjohrd 15-19, 23560 Lübeck-Oberbüssau

04/13 till 06/30:

My Instagram account has been hacked. Someone else has taken it over and probably wants to continue hacking and selling Bitcoin investments through it. I managed to get the account back with the help of a lawyer. 

February - April 2022

A new commissioned work: 'Hamburg Mix' . Many architectural highlights of our city were to be combined in a photo artwork in 90 x 60 cm. In total, this were 11 processing layers: 10 photo cutouts and a transparent airbrush part. After printing, I partially painted the canvas with oil paint. Some of the colors are changed or emphasized, some details have shadows and thus the plasticity is enhanced. Some, as especially in the plants, has become more picturesque. However, this effect was only slightly desired, as the photo work is already very convincing with its clarity and sharpness. It fits wonderfully to the customer and his room!


9.11. to 24.12.

Pre-Christmas sales exhibition 'Small Treasures' by several artists from and with the KulturWerk Rahlstedt in Hamburg. A variety of small paintings will be shown, with a maximum width of 50 cm.  There are also sculptures, installations, light objects, books, textile works, cards and more. The local cultural association also receives income for its projects. I will be on site on Dec. 8 (Wednesday) and Dec. 17 (Friday) between 3 and 7 p.m. and on Dec. 21 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. I would be happy to meet some of you there. Please ask for individual dates. If there are any changes or additions, I will note them here immediately. There are 10 pictures and 20 different cards from me (more examples in my store at the bottom).

A mask and 2G are mandatory.

Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 11.00 - 19.00, Sat. and on 24.12. 10.00 to 14.00 in Boizenburger Weg 7


November 2021

On behalf of a coaching company, I optimized and corrected (also the perpective) and afterwards painterly processed three photos so that they can be used for a Christmas card and more. They should look artistic and express a good mood. And also be more adapted to the company colors blue and orange. The printing company made them into beautiful Christmas cards.

11/01/2021 - Summer 2022:

Participation at Holy Shit Shopping, which takes place online again. Many designer, artists, artisans, goldsmiths and more are listed at www.holyshitshopping.de.


From September 2021:

Working on various new works, which are increasingly pure painting and pure (digital) photo works. Also, information on new exhibition opportunities. If you know any, please inform me. These will be announced here as soon as they are fixed. Some clean-up works and renewals on site and also digitally have to be done. 

New versions of the book cover in English and German.


Since the urgency for all of us to become sustainable in our private and professional lives is heightened after the latest IPCC report and the whole impact of the climate catastrophe, I would like to list here what my efforts at work look like:

  • Transportation: mainly bicycle and public. Transports with eco-electricity powered vehicle.
  • Studio: economy of space, heating (new system), electricity (real green electricity) and no polluting materials like vinyl
  • Work: as low as possible, environmentally friendly and sustainable consumption (in the choice of products) and therefore waste avoidance (concerns mainly paint, paper, kitchen roll, foil), no prints on forex plates
  • Consumption during: Tap water, as sustainable as possible, no animal products
  • Artwork: I would like to do more art with upcycling and recycling (2 ex. see below) and am very open to these requests, such as painting/ changing colors/ adding to existing artwork, painting/ working on plates, cans, furnishings, etc., misc.

Feel free to send me any other suggestions or questions about this. I donate for climate protection measures and against the climate harmful and its effects.


08/02 - 08/30/2021 water exhibition (postponed from last summer)

Participation at the 'water' exhibition of the Kulturwerk Rahlstedt on board of the museums ship Cap San Diego. It's lying at Überseebrücke in the harbor of Hamburg and makes some tours. In the hatches 1 and 2 the artworks will be displayed during museum hours. Each artist shows 2-4 artworks. You can see one of them down here the 'Life in the ocean'. Pics of the process, details, full size and photos in the dark with the fluorescent paint . I had to paint the fish more often and with accurate edges, so its visibility is very well in the dark. The most of it is acrylic paint and waste, fixed on MDF in 59,5 x 91,5 cm. This work should be critical, but also with hope.

Other works for the 'water' exhibition follow right behind this text: 'Fading stream' (100x100 cm) and a small collection of works of which two will be displayed. For entrance you need to buy tickets online or directly before at the entrance. For inquiries you need to contact the artists directly. On the 27th I will be there for the whole day. If you are interested in these works, please ask for my info paper with intel, images and prices. I can send it via email. Or ask for an appointment. If I'll be there another time, I will inform about it here.

In the Kulturwerk Rahlstedt (Boizenburger Weg 7) is a small exhibition of the same artists at the same time and you can find one artwork of mine there, too. It will  continue in Rahlstedt until th 8th of September (11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.). The water exhibition was on TV and you can see this here at 14:52. With my artworks at the sweeping vision on the left wall and a close-up of my 'Life in the ocean':

Hamburg Journal | NDR.de - Fernsehen - Sendungen A-Z - Hamburg Journal

Many artworks in the gallery KuRa in Hamburg Poppenbüttel (-> examples at the wall), some are in the gallery KuRa Hamburg Eppendorf (-> window). There are more in Alsterdorf and Volksdorf.
Many artworks in the gallery KuRa in Hamburg Poppenbüttel (-> examples at the wall), some are in the gallery KuRa Hamburg Eppendorf (-> window). There are more in Alsterdorf and Volksdorf.

9th/10th of July 2021 '100 views' exhibition (painting from March) until July 2022

Participation at the exhibition about the district of Sankt Pauli from the Millerntorgallery with  Viva con Agua Arts in the Millerntor Stadium. The opening is scheduled on 07/09/21. Every visitor of the stadium will visit also the exhibition.

The artwork 'Alley in the evening' shows a typical scenery of the district and gives my impression on it and shows some flair. Empty streets are normally seen only aside the main spots, but the pandemic changed everything. All businesses from there suffer a lot.

The artwork is in the size of 42 x 59,3 cm and painted with acrylics and pastel chalk on paper. After that I varnished it with UV protection. Inspiration was a photo, which I edited digitally a lot. As I am an interior designer the correct perspective is important to me, aside from artistic freedom. Therefor I constructed it first with a pencil. I love strong colors, especially also this pink and turquoise, and I enjoy this special impression that the reduction to two colors with black and white gives. The variety of paint application is wide. I used very different brushes, silicone palette knives, palette knives, spatulas and fingers. And several techniques like scrabbing, dripping, sprinkle, speckling and letting it run. For the online offer of my art click here.

There will be a two-days-opening with time slots for free on the 9th and 10th of July. Further possibilities for seeing the works I will add here.

The exhibition was on TV, which you can watch here (at 14:56):



Broadened horizon, 2021, 120 x 50 cm, Mixed Media on copper
Broadened horizon, 2021, 120 x 50 cm, Mixed Media on copper

06/26/2021 - 07/18/21 four weekends ArtSafari (started working in February, postponed 3x)

Kliemannsland and Viva con Agua Arts operate a project with art safari. 17 artists picture the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on copper plates. The plates were at the station Landungsbrücken. I was asked for participation. My theme is 'Affordable and clean energy'. There was a drive-through exhibition with auction with protection and hygiene rules in Kliemannsland . Also online. My work is sold. The earnings will go the artists and to the water projects of Viva con Agua. They build water wells and sanitary facilities in developing countries with it. 

Tickets for time slots are soon available at this point

I made 10 digital versions of this artwork and asked on Instagram and Facebook for voting the favorite. The Version which won will be offered as a print (DIN A3) at the exhibition. I added it here after my detail shots below. More intel will follow. It takes place on the weekends in June.

On the left side you can see the YouTube video of the process. Information for the exhibition you find below.
This paper contains information about sustainable energy, about the artwork and about me. It's in German. If Google translator or similar are not helpful enough, please ask me for translation.
Saubere Energien.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 481.1 KB


Dear customers and interested parties, 


here is a collection of opinions about single pictures/posts, series or even the feed. I would like to collect reviews and other opinions and publish them here. In the case of customers, I would also like to know to what extent my art has met their tastes and requirements. If a (first) name is allowed, please add it behind. I would be very happy about such emails! And also about reviews on Google and likes, comments etc. on Instagram, facebook, YouTube, pinterest or tumblr. If you like what you see.


And, if you don't get any email info from me yet (about 2x/year), about messages for the email distribution list (in Bcc).


February/March 2021


Working on a book cover. My artwork which I posted here at Topical one year ago is part of this project. The book's name is 'Visioni notturne al chiaro di Venere' ('Night visions under the light of Venus') by Tullio Colombo and will be published in Italian first. Then it'll be published also in other languages like German and English. More intel and an image will follow at this point. I transformed the artwork for the cover image by changing the format, editing it in a bold, swirled way (like a dream) and moved the Venus. Then I designed and chose the layout, fonts and colors. Of course everything in cooperation with the customer. Finally I warped the title in a curvy, swinging way to adjust it to the dreamlike background.




End of December 2020

These nine posts were the most liked of the year on Instagram . I wish all a happy New Year!

I probably had about almost 1500 follower at that time, but I missed to write everything down, like I did before. So now I note the insights of 02/22/21: In the moment 1606 follower watch my posts on Instagram regularly. Most of the followers come from USA (20,2 %), Germany (17,8 %), Italy (3,7 %), GB (3,5 %) und Spain (2,5 %). So 52,3 % come from different countries. 8,4 % live in Hamburg, 2,5 % in NYC und 2,3 % in Khartum, 2,1 % in Hongkong und in Berlin 1,3 %. 57 % are male and most of them are 45-54 years old. 25-34 years old only a little less.

11/16/2020 - 06/30/2021

Participation at the online marketplace of Holy Shit Shopping. This time the fair is only online. My art will be shown with products of many designers, modern artisans and and artists on their website. Also on facebook. From there you'll be lead to my website.

November/Dezember 2020

Working on several variations of 'painterly photo editing', which is offered in a seperate menue. You are able to choose the style and order your own photo in that style on several media. The digital editing includes several digital commands, painterly and artistry effects, that are also produced with artificial intelligence. Additionally to that you can choose standard enhancing photo editing or painting.

I also added examples in rooms in the gallery, that have been only on Instagram before. And my postcards and gift voucher are added in the shop

Most of my artworks of the gallery KuRa (Harksheider Str. 6a) moved in December to the gallery KuRa Volksdorf (Groten Hoff 21), both in Hamburg. Five new artworks of mine were added to this. They will also appear in the shop windows, in both galleries.

September - December 2020

Mixed artworks and themes, for example also postcards and 'small treasures' for the expected Christmas exhibition in Hamburg Rahlstedt. Experimenting with new digital techniques. More information on both will follow. The exhibition is cancelled.

August of 2020

The art lessons in school started again, first outdoors.

I worked on the commission work 'The Pier' , first digitally, then printed on canvas and painted. The motive is inspired by a small pier edit by me and should fit to the colors of a flower work, which is already hanging in the coaching room. The coaching rooms are designed by me as an interior designer and all artworks are by me. You can see more of them at this place in the beginning of 2016 until June. For this work I combined the photoart with colorfield painting (reminding of Mark Rothko) with acrylic colors and some details with oil colors. The sky is consisting of blurred abstraction which shows a big contarst to the accurate pier. The surrounding blurr and the strong perspective draws the eye on the pier, in the middle far away, to the destination. the purchaser from entwicklung GbR in Hamburg Rahlstedt are very happy with this new artwork and about having the last highlight for the coaching rooms completed. The rooms are also for rent.

The process of the commission work 'The pier', in August 2020, in 120 x 80 cm, photoprint on canvas with acrylics and oil colors.

The Bode museum, 2020, 20 x 20 cm, photograph with oilcolors, commission work for a gallery manager
The Bode museum, 2020, 20 x 20 cm, photograph with oilcolors, commission work for a gallery manager

March - summer 2020

'Corona break' for my art lessons and for several exhibitions/applications for exhibitions and journeys.

Renewing and adding elements to my website and to my Pinterest account. And also a bit on Instagram and Facebook of course. Since May I have a shop for some offers on my website. I am working on several artworks with a lot of photo work. 22 artworks were delivered at Gallerie KuRa for display, together with a folder of many small works. Most of them are in the gallery Harksheider Str. 6a, some go to different branches at Groten Hoff 21, Eppendorfer Weg 77 and Alsterdorfer Str. 35. Some are already sold. Working on two commission works.  Working on two commission works, one bigger one of the pier and one small commission work for a gallery manager. See above.


2/5 - 3/1 in 2020

Participation at the jubilee exhibition of the Galerieka to the theme 'Hamburg my enchanting perl'. The Galerie in Hamburg Eppendorf  will be 5 years old and is presenting some of their artists. The opening will be on the 07th of February from 7 p.m. together with the artists. Welcome to the gallery at Ludolfstraße 60 (opposite the church)!

December 2019 - February 2020

Commission work from Italy with typical (customer) photographs from Piemont, combined and digitally edited and printed on canvas, in 120 x 80 x 4 cm. Afterwards acrylic painting. The photos by Tullio Colombo should be transformed, but the special, clear atmosphere should be preserved. They show the abbey of San Nazzaro Sesia near Novara or Milan from 1075 and the landscape nearby with the Venus and the sanctuary Madonna della Fontana.

With the last commission work in autumn I described in the text below the proceedure of a commission work and on the images I showed the painting progress. Here I like to show the whole progress with the digital and matching work and some details. We called it 'Night visions in a Venus light'. Or also 'Nachtvisionen im Venus Licht' or 'Visioni notturne al chiaro di Venere'.

The collector who ordered 'Night visions under a Venus light', see above, wrote a nice story about it on facebook. You can click <- to get there. Facebook has a translation from Italien if you click that.

30th/31st of December 2019

These are the nine most liked posts on Instagram this year. Today I have about 1225 followers. Most of my followers come from Germany (20%), USA (18%), GB (5%), Spain (3%) and Italy (3%) in the moment. So 51% come from other countries.  9% come from Hamburg, 3% from NYC and from Khartum, London and Berlin each 1%. 58% are male and the biggest group sorted by age is the one between 25-34 years. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

December 2019

A new customer pic shows the 'Harbour city terraces' artwork in it's new home. It is a digital edit of two photographs printed on canvas in 50 x 150 cm and painted partly with acrylics. The collector wanted to have an artwork similar to the 'Harbor city' artwork, in this long format and with different colors.

11/26 - 12/28:

Some of my small artworks are at the exhibition 'Small tresures' in the culture club 'Kulturwerk Rahlstedt', Boizenburger Weg 7 in Hamburg-Rahlstedt. A part of the revenues goes to the culture club. On the left side you see my process of selecting artworks for it. On the right you have an impression of how it looks now. We are looking forward to your visits and chats. It's open daily between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., except for Monday.

October/ November 2019

 I work at a commission work. The house of the customer is digitally combined in two perspectives and edited. The colors were transformed. At some points one perspective is visible at others the other or both. The first image shows, how it came from the printing shop, a canvas print in 100 x 150 cm with shadow gap frame. The next shows a fullsize photo of the finished work, after it was painted with acrylics and oil color and the others show details of it. The last one shows it while wrapping. The contract was typical (but it would also be possible with just digital work):

- detailed description of the wishes, showing the planned place for it (with photos), offering, commission

- sending customer photos for working with or photo session by me

- first digital drafts for it, which aren't finished yet, choosing 2 or 3 favorites or one with additionally elements of the other drafts, which will be combined

- further editing considering new wishes, choosing one out of three results

- finishing editing, last fine touches

- choosing the medium and variations of the printing shop(s), also a frame is possible, and decision for the shop

- painting, here with acrylics and oilcolors, with brushes, spatulas, painting knives, cloth and fingers

- letting it sit, regarding now and then

- if necessary reconciling, maybe transforming and adding something, letting it dry

- wrapping, shipping or transfering it

Starting 09/16/2019:

New offer of a course for adults: Vacation pics digitally edited and then painted with acrylics.

Every Monday at 10.00 a.m. in the Sasel-Haus in Hamburg. I don't have further information in English, you can see it in German or ask for it, I would translate it then.


Spring / summer 2019:

More works on different subjects like abstract, Tuscany, Hamburg, etc., see in latest art, but some are still in the process. My course for students is still running. Preparations for the following cours for adults. Short trips and a trip to China.

Spring 2019

A cusomer photo of the 'Geranium family', just displayed as the eyecatcher of the party. Actually they were looking for an artwork with the Elbphilharmonie, but this convinced them differently. It is one of four, which are combinations of one flower photograph and one blurred photograph of the same motive and then printed on aluminum backing in 80 x 80 cm and painted with oil colors. This one mainly with a spatula.


Instagram review 2018 from the beginning of 2019

These are the most popular posts on Instagram in the year of 2018. In the moment nica_art_studio has around 1000 follower. There are the mixmedia works exposed, as well as photographs and edits, partly with big modifications. And also the hottest news.

Most of the followers are artists, photographers, travellers, specialists for (or interested in) design, decoration, art, photography, picture editing or architecture, collectors or galleries. They are from The United States, Germany, Great Britain, Nigeria and Italy. Or if you take a look at the cities, these are Hamburg, New York City, Melbourne, London and Lagos. The age is between around 13 and 83 years of age, mostly between 25 and 34, 59% are male.

4th - 15th of December 2018, 11.00 am - 7.00 pm. Sunday closed, extended until 01/03:

Taking part in the 'Small treasures 2018' group exhibition. 30% support the culture club 'KulturWerk Rahlstedt e.V.' in Hamburg. Small paintings, sculptures, photos, objects and postcards are part of the Christmas exhibition by over 20 artists. It was running very well for me. A few calenders 2019 are left.

Fotos from there are by Sabine Kisvari.

From the end of August continously

Direction of two weekly courses for students: In experimental acrylic painting and in smartphone photography & editing. One course for adults will follow in September. Because this is only for people living close by and talking German, I have further disccription of courses and other service offers like consulting and interior design only in German. If needed in English, please ask.

May, Summer 2018

Several artworks with tranfer technic/ collage, with acrylic painting (see below 'Greens abstraction', 100 x 100 cm, fullsize image with 5 details) and fluid painting, and some more. Redoing of the website and similars. Enhancements of photography and new skills in editing. Travels to Croatia and Scotland. Preparations for new course offers.

April 2018

The next contract work is finished and delivered. The 'big harbour tone' is an digital edit of three harbour photos printed on aluminum backing in the size of 1 x 1 m and smoothed over and continued the working process with oil colors. With shadow gap frame. It is now in the home of the new, lucky owner in Hamburg, where it's prepared deliberately for it. The view of the wall, the full size work and some details are following:

Interested in invitations / announcements?

If you are not on my mailing list yet, but you like to receive my next announcement (anonymous Bcc), please send a short message and I will add you. If you wish contact in another way it is possible too. Also if you don't like to receive it anymore, please inform me and I will delete the address immediately. By the way these mails are really seldom. I don't give any contact information to others or use it differently. The data privacies are respected.

Special offer in the middle of February

In the moment a provider has a special offer for acoustics pictures. I can give you this offer, but don't know how long it will be. If you have a room with too much reverberation and you would like to get more sound absortion and silence this could be interesting for you. An acoustics print with one of my motives are availabel in different sizes, please ask. One example: In the size of 60 x 100 cm, depth of the panel 27 mm, it costs € 367,- (pickup price in Hamburg-Sasel or close delivery). As a normal canvas print it would be € 189,-.

The panel consists of highly absorbent, light and hard-wearing polyester fiber, which will be fixed frameless and with space to the wall.

 13th of February 2018

We hung up the big harbour scenery at the living room of the proud owner. It looks great, fits to the sofas and everyone is happy!


10th of February 2018

Here are some pics of the opening on Saturday at the Galerieka in Hamburg Eppendorf. Top left it's me and the gallery owner. On the right you see 'The Midnyte Flyte Band' which played wonderful music in another room. Under this is also another room, where the nice speech of Hermann Hinrichsen was held. The others were in 'my' room... It was a really nice opening! I will be there again not later than the 23rd of March (changed because of illness; at least 3.30 - 5.00 pm). I'd be glad, if some will turn up then.  

01/30 - 04/29/2018

Several artworks (one room) will be exhibited at the anniversary exhibition in the gallery art café Galerieka in Hamburg Eppendorf, Ludolfstraße 60.

Vernissage: At the 10th of February, 1.00 pm

I will be there on 01/29 and 04/30, at the vernissage and after appointment. Please contact me. Any more news or appointments in the gallery I will add here.


02/01 - 03/31/2018

My Berlin art, small photographic artworks with oilcolor painting and prints, will be exhibited (in frames and in a folder) in midtown Berlin:

Caro Berliner Art Gallery Shop, Heckmann-Höfe, Oranienburger Street 32, 10117 Berlin.

Opening hours: Mo. - Sat. 11.00 am - 7.00 pm

I will be there only on first and last day.

5th - 10th of December 2017

 Some small artworks are part of the Christmas exhibition 'small treasures' im Cultural Center in Hamburg Rahlstedt

Boizenburger Weg 7. 27 artists offer some of their small formats. A part of the revenues supports the Cultural Center.

Open: daily 11.00 am - 7.00 pm, So. 1.00 pm - 7.00 pm

-> www.kulturwerk-rahlstedt.de

May and July 2017

Trips to Budapest and Venice and in the Tuscany. More you see step by step in the artworks and on Instagram.


Exhibiton preparations and fluid painting experiments and spatula works. In 2018 something in Hamburg and Berlin is planned...

Spring / Summer 2017

Big and small spatula and painting works on different prints with several themes. Also a blue series of city works, which all fit to one another and which prints are matchable  easily to their surrounding. Furthermore fluidpainting (see picture; pouring special acrylic mix and then different spreading and composing,...) and further experiments with it combined with photography. In future you'll see more.

Trips to Budapest and Italy are planned.

A corridor of a customer with my works.
A corridor of a customer with my works.
Shop window of the gallery Kunst und Rahmen, Eppendorfer Weg 77 in Hamburg, with my works, vita and picture.
Shop window of the gallery Kunst und Rahmen, Eppendorfer Weg 77 in Hamburg, with my works, vita and picture.

February 2017

Start of the offer in the biggest online art site worldwide Fineartamerica, where some of Nica's prints can be purchased worldwide. The search functions are extensive. The offer will increase.

January / February 2017


Art Elephants has selected my art for their big online gallery ( for example they have 29.1k follower on Instagram). Currently they offer three digital works and one mixed media work of mine.

November/December 2016

Artworks, which are bought and ordered, go to the new owners, some are finished first. Here you see a contract work, "Ships in the Harbour" printed on aluminum backing and painted with oil color, for emphasizing, enhancing and for adjusting to the "Harbour tone", which should hang side by side.

More spatula works with oil color.

29th of November 2016

The gallery "Kunst und Rahmen", Eppendorfer Weg 77, in the middle-western part of Hamburg took 25 bigger and smaller artworks to exhibit in their rooms and window. The smaller will be framed nicely. Everything will be ready until January. After that this and the other gallery KuRa, Harksheider Str. 6a (north-eastern), which has some artworks, may exchange works of mine. I remarked under the pics, if they are in a gallery.

Many artworks from the walls of the booth.
Many artworks from the walls of the booth.
The Alsterart was very nice and successful. My booth was really crowded.
The Alsterart was very nice and successful. My booth was really crowded.

13th of November 2016

Me and around 60 other artists have the chance to exhibit their art in "AlsterArt 2016", an exhibition in the huge shopping mall of Alstertal (Hamburg), AEZ. The entrance fee is taken for social projects. I am looking for visitors that day!

Summer - Fall 2016

Small photographs with oil painting, bigger canvases with transfer pics and acrylic paint and summer break with a trip through the States. Preparations for the exhibition.

Toronto, edit summer 2016
Toronto, edit summer 2016
Chicago, edit summer 2016
Chicago, edit summer 2016

June 2016

identity of art Ltd. in Reinbek included my art in their portfolio. They offer art for companies and consult them. Also for contract works.

10th - 12th of June

Participation at an artisan market in Lüneburg in the beautiful, historic bell house. The market was pretty, people in a good temper, some artworks were sold and many interested people were there. Most favored were some small nature, boat and Lüneburg pieces and the big New York and Hamburg works.

3rd of June 2016

The beautiful online gallery Museum of pretty posted my Elbphilharmony pic in all social media. On Instagram alone more than 12000 people saw it. Great, to be part of it! You may see it in: Instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr and wordpress.

since April 2016

The coaching rooms and the eight artworks of entwicklung GbR in Hamburg Rahlstedt are ready and do very well.

In the Hotel Mondial in Berlin you can find my Berlin artworks and prints of them at the elevators on every floor and in a folder. You may also purchase something.

Working on sundries.

New delivery for the coaching rooms, Feb. 2016
New delivery for the coaching rooms, Feb. 2016
Painting with oil color on the print, contract work Feb. 2016
Painting with oil color on the print, contract work Feb. 2016

Automn / Winter 2015 / 2016

Interior design support for new premises of entwicklung GbR, business coaching, consulting, training, including art pieces.

Bigger works (also abstract and of NY) on alu dipond and smaller ones on photo paper, with motives of Berlin, Hamburg and nature.

Preparations for the permanent exhibition in the **** Hotel Mondial, Kurfürstendamm 47, in Berlin.

since July, 2015

Mixed works like before, new membership (since 9th of July) at artists.de, with which pieces of art are available worldwide. Summer break.

At the Maler(painter)weekend 2015
At the Maler(painter)weekend 2015

June 27 and 28, 2015

Participation at the 40th painter weekend in the cityhall of Reinbek with 86 exhibitors and many visitors. Nica's art was offered in the big assembly hall and found big interest.

"Gironimo", from 2015, is an example of a trendy editing of a personal photograph combined with chalk drawings. This way a photo of a pet and of business- and hobbyarticles can be edited nicely.
"Gironimo", from 2015, is an example of a trendy editing of a personal photograph combined with chalk drawings. This way a photo of a pet and of business- and hobbyarticles can be edited nicely.

since February, 2015

Several art by Nica is offered by the gallery 'Galerie KuRa', Harksheider Straße 6a, 22399 Hamburg.


January / February, 2015

Revision and complement of the website and completion of the translation. 

Example of art, which is adjusted to individual wishes and surroundings. From 2014, 100 x 70 cm, personal photograph with oilpaint and wooden shadow gap frame.
Example of art, which is adjusted to individual wishes and surroundings. From 2014, 100 x 70 cm, personal photograph with oilpaint and wooden shadow gap frame.

since September, 2014

Different kind of pictures: for special wishes and other art about Hamburg, single other places, nature.


July / August, 2014

Wrap-up, summer break and pictures for individual wishes in different themes. Starting with Instagram and studies of new picture effects.

At the Malerweekend in June 2014
At the Malerweekend in June 2014

June 28 and 29, 2014 

A big exhibition with Nica and 85 exhibitors in the city hall of Reinbek. There was big interest and enthusiasm for Nica's idees and pictures. Some, who wants an own exhibition, possible partners to exhibit and many interested persons in my art, partly with concrete wishes.


May / June, 2014

Photographs with oil paint, finishing of website and printed papers, preparation of the exhibition and new google+ and facebook accounts.


March / April, 2014

Art Composings of Hamburg.


Feb 15, 2014

Beginning of this website. I want to thank the artist Ursu for artistic-business counseling, Julia Emma Schröder for the writing conditioning, the helpers for my translation und my personal Jimdo-expert. Thanks to every helping person!